Softball Research Articles
Dedicated To Preserving The Safety And Integrity Of The Game
Note:  Our softball related articles are only available to BSRSA members...
BSRI-21 - Performance Testing of the Proposed 0.52 COR/275 PQI Ball 
BSRI-20 - Titanium vs Composite Bats A Controlled Field-Test Study!!!
BSRI-19 - A Controlled Study on Pitcher Response Time
BSRI-18 - The Effect of Softball Properties on Batted Ball Distance
BSRI-17 - The Effect of Softball Compression and Coefficient of Restitution on Batted Ball Speed
BSRI-16 - How Swing Speed and Batted-Ball speed relate to Distance (A Real-World Experiment)
BSRI-15 - Distance as a function of Batted Ball Speed
BSRI-14 - Working Out to Improve Hitting Power
BSRI-13 - Scoring and Stats
BSRI-12 - Why Is A Softball A Hardball And A Baseball A Softball???
BSRI-11 - How Ball Circumference And Compression Affect Pitcher Response Time!!!
BSRI-10 - Bat Swing Weights - Moment of Inertia
BSRI-09 - High-, Mid- and Low-Compression balls, A Control Group Study Using Multi-Wall Bats.
BSRI-08 - How Temperature Affects Ball Compression 
BSRI-07 - Multi-wall bats and mid-compression balls - Is there a loss in performance?
BSRI-06 - Multi-wall vs Single wall bats. Is there really a difference in performance?
BSRI-05 - "Bat Durability" Who is to Blame, the Bat or Ball Manufacturers?
BSRI-04 - "Softball" - A Contradiction In Terms
BSRI-03 - Wall Thickness!!!
BSRI-02 - Cryogenics!!!
BSRI-01 - Description of Alloys Used in Aluminum Softball Bats


Bomani Sports Research is an independent sports  research and testing company dedicated to preserving the safety and integrity of the game of slow-pitch softball, fast-pitch softball and baseball.

Bomani Sports Research tests and researches all equipment independently and free from influence.
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